Recliner USB Port Not Working – Read What Experts Say!

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While relaxing on your recliner, obviously you won’t want a malfunctioning USB port to trouble you. We know how much of a bother it is. 

So you want to know why is the recliner USB port not working?

The first reason could be that the recliner might not be connected to an electrical source properly. And because of that, it won’t be able to deliver power to your devices. Also, a faulty USB control unit or a damaged port might be another reason for it. This is due to continuous use, dents, and other external factors. 

But knowing only this much won’t help your cause. Don’t worry though cause we’ve written a whole article about it. 

Recliner USB Port Not Working: Reasons and Fixes

Recliner USB port not working

Keeping a malfunctioning USB port on your recliner is out of the option. That’s why we have taken the initiative to find out its reasons. 

Also, we have prepared the solutions you can follow to fix this problem. 

Faulty Recliner Connection:

Faulty Recliner Connection

The first thing to check is if the recliner is properly connected to an electrical source. Sometimes, while charging your device and seeing it’s not charging, you assume it’s the port’s fault. 

But that’s not always the case. 

Even if you haven’t forgotten to plug in your recliner, the socket itself might be faulty. This is also a reason why the battery charger light blinks. So, how to check electrical socket? 

You can check if it’s working by using a multimeter. Just insert the probes of the multimeter into the socket and measure the voltage. A properly working socket should give a reading of almost 110-120 volts. If it’s not showing this result, then you have to fix your wirings. 

Aside from that, it might also be that the cable of the recliner is faulty. It might be that the socket is fine but the recliner isn’t getting any power. That means the recliner has some internal damage or a damaged cable. 

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Plug In or Socket Change:

If your recliner is not plugged in, simply plug it into the outlet. That’s nothing we have to explain. Although changing a faulty outlet or wiring is something worth mentioning. 

You don’t need an electrician for such a simple job. 

So, how to install an electrical outlet? Here is a simple guide for you:

  • Before starting, first, turn off the main power connection from the main service panel. Or, if you can then just switch off the circuit breaker of that outlet. 
  • Now to remove the existing outlet, unscrew it from the electrical box. Pull it out and disconnect the wires. Before disconnecting, take a picture to remember which wire goes where. 
  • Now connect the wires to the new receptacle. The ground wire shall go around the ground screw of the receptacle. Be sure to hook the screw in a clockwise manner. 
  • For the neutral wire, attach it to the silver screw terminal of the receptacle. And, for the black hot wire, attach it to the brass terminal. Again, both of these should also be done in a clockwise manner.  
  • Then, it’s time to attach the receptacle to the box. While doing this, be sure to gently tuck in the wire. So, it doesn’t have any sharp bends. Then mount the receptacle to the electrical box by screwing it in. 
  • For the last part, just screw in the cover over the receptacle. 

Be sure to check if the outlet is finally working. Also, while replacing, check if the wires are also undamaged. If they are shorted then you have to fix the electrical short.

Here we have some suggestions of quality outlets for you to check out:

10 Outlets Power Strip Surge Protector

10 Outlets Power Strip Surge Protector with 4 USB Ports

6-Outlet Surge Protector Power Cord Strip

Klein Tools 69149P Electrical Test Kit

We hope, you find these suggestions useful.

Damaged USB Port or Power Unit:

The prime reason might be that your USB port is damaged. So, why USB port on recliner gets damaged? 

Due to continuous use, dents, dust, scratches, and other external factors, the port might be malfunctioning. If it’s dust or dent, you’ll be able to see it if you look carefully. Although, internal damages can’t be checked like that. If everything seems ok but the port doesn’t work, most probably it’s the power unit.

Now let’s get onto how to solve this problem. 

Port Repair or Power Unit Replacement:

In the case of recliners, if you’re having port problems, mostly it’s a faulty power unit. Although foreign particles like built-up dust can cause your devices not to connect. In that case, just clean it and try connecting your device. 

But if it’s a faulty power unit/ USB control unit, just replace it. So, how to replace recliner USB control unit? Here is an easy step-by-step guide:

  • Firstly, unplug the chair from the outlet. Now, flip it over to access the USB control unit. Unplug the unit from the main line. 
  • To remove the older one, first, remove the cap and then unscrew the screws. Then pull it out gently and cut the cable just a little after the power unit. 
  • Now get the new replacement kit. Take the end piece of the kit and tie it with the old cable with a zip tie. It’s so, that when you pull the old cable, the end piece comes along with it. 
  • Then, flipping the chair over, cut the zip tie attached to the old power line cable. Now pull it to get the new cable down. Attach it with a new zip tie. Now connect the end piece with the main line. 
  • Finally, attach the unit to the recliner using the screws and place the cap. Connect the recliner to an outlet and see the magic work. 

Here we have a good suggestion of replacement kits for you to check out: 

Remote Hand Control Handset

Fromann 2 Button Remote Hand Control Handset with USB and Blue Light for Power Recliner Lift Chairs

Lift Chair Hand Control Handset with USB and Blue Light

Klein Tools 69149P Electrical Test Kit

With this, your recliner USB port problems should be solved. 

Got Some Questions?

Is It Possible To Manually Work An Electric Recliner?

Since the motor is designed to accomplish all of the moving, power recliners cannot be operated manually. Although, an event of a power outage could occur. In that case, the user of a power recliner can put the seat back in its original position. That is thanks to a backup battery.

Why Electric Recliner Isn’t Working?

Most probably the battery pack isn’t connected properly. Thus you are not getting power without a solid connection. Make sure the power cord is plugged into the battery pack’s opposite side well. After inspecting the back, you may start looking at the power reclining unit’s foundation.

Do Power Recliners Always Have To Be Plugged In?

Depending on the model, some motorized recliners require an electrical outlet while others do not. You must put your chair next to a wall outlet if it has a power cord. Although, you may put your chair anyplace and still use the reclining features. That is if it just runs on batteries.

How Does Dual Power Recliner Function?

For maximum comfort, dual-power furniture has two motors. One of them controls the headrest and the other the footrest. This enables you to select the ideal vantage point for the big game or movie night. Additionally, they need a power supply. Also, these chairs operate by push buttons.

Bottom Line!!

Now we want to know your opinion. 

Were we able to solve all your queries about recliner USB port not working?

Here’s an extra tip for you. While you’re at it, also check if your pin connector is working properly.  

If there’s anything else on your mind, be sure to comment down below.

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