G Clip Electrical Box Repair: 4 Steps to Go!

Having trouble with a loose or broken electrical box is pretty common. Replacing can be expensive. That’s why most homeowners try to replace the whole box. But it’s safer and easier to repair the electrical box with a G clip. 

That’s why we need to know how to repair an electric box with a G clip. 

Using G-Clips might be the best solution for you if you have a loose electrical box. Just remove the plastic cover and the central device. Install the G-Clip inside the box. Reattach the electrical box and you’re good to go! But make sure you turned off the power before this process.

This might seem like a puzzle now, that’s why you need a descriptive process for this. But first, we need to know more about the G Clip itself first.

So without further ado, let’s jump in and get to know about the G Clip.

What Is A G Clip? 

When it comes to issues with electrical boxes, homeowners face these a lot. So if there is a simple way to fix the boxes without creating a mess, that’s G clip.

G clip is a collection of tools or clips you need to secure your electrical box. When you are wiring underground electric wire, it’s a must. So, every time you pull out the cord the box will not loosen. 

G clip comes in a bag, with 10 or more clips. These clips provide a new threaded mounting point.

G clips help you completely re-attach your electrical box. You just need to unscrew your loosen box and reattach it with the clips.

Let’s be real! We are not professional enough to do this easily!

But you don’t have to be. Just buy a G-Clip 4 Pack and jump into the next section!

How to Repair Electrical Box Using G Clip: 4 Easy DIY Steps!

G-Clips are an amazing product. It’s not only easy to fix but it’s also reliable enough.

Well, first of all, there is no use in using glue. And we know it’s a pain to use glue on the electrical boxes.

But you need some types of equipment before you start fixing your electrical box. You need a screwdriver, a voltage tester, and a pack of G-Clips.

Got all the equipment? Now it’s time to fix your electrical box using G-clips.

So, let’s dig deeper and get into the steps!

Step 1 of 4: Removing the Cover Plate

The very first thing we need to do is to remove the cover plate from your electrical box.

Now, this step needs you to be careful. Remember we are working with some electrical components.

So, if you are not confident enough, make sure you have a helping hand. If the helping hand is professional it’s better.

Nevertheless, the very first thing we need to do is turn off the power. If you have a central power supply, turn it off.

Do you notice the screws popping outside the box? Look for the screws and use your screwdriver.

We suggest you use Spec Ops Phillips ScrewDriver. This will make the unscrewing process easier. 

Attach the driver to the screws and circle it anti-clockwise. Your screws will come off pretty easily.

Now, remove the plastic cover of your electrical box.

Step 2 of 4: Removing the Central Device of the Electrical Box

After removing the plastic cover, you will see the electrical box device with the plug-in holes.

Now, to avoid any occurrence we will check if there is still electricity running. Because if it is, fixing it could cause accidents. 

To check, you can use a Klein Tools voltage tester. All you need to do is put the voltage tester in any of the holes.

Are you noticing the light? If not, you are good to go.

But if you are noticing any light, that means you need to wait a little bit more before opening the central device.

When you are safe to open, remove by unscrewing the clips or screws from the J-Box.

After unscrewing, remove the central device and keep it in a safe place. Make sure it is not in a wet place. 

Step 3 of 4: Installing the G-Clips

You already know the damaged or loose section of your box, right? Take one of the clip according to your box.

Now, make sure you are keeping the screw thread of the clip in the front.

You will notice a release-reposition slot behind the clip. Use your hands to push that slot towards the electrical box. 

Make sure your wall thickness is approximately 0.9 inches. Otherwise, the clip won’t fit.  

You can also use the screwdriver to push forward. 

Step 4 of 4: Re-Assemble Your Electrical box

Well, you are done installing your G-Clip. 

Now, use your screws through the clip thread and install the central device.

Last but not least you need to attach the plastic cover to your box. Make sure the electric box is tight enough.

Now, turn on your main power supply and check the box with the voltage tester first.

Your electrical box is good to go with your G-Clips. But if the box is broken, you should repair it too. 

Dont know how to do it? Well, just jump into the next section because we got you!

How to Repair a Broken Electrical Box

The question you need to ask yourself is, is my electrical box repairable? And it is similar to repairing a usb port repairing.

You can answer this question by judging the damages. If there is a small hole, you can easily repair it.

Just remove the damaged area with your hand. Wear gloves and use Gorilla Super Glue gel in the area. 

Place the broken pieces in the right position. Now, wait for the glue to dry off. 

You can also use duct tape to cover up small holes in your electrical box. But if the 

But if the electrical box is still falling apart, maybe it’s time to replace it with a new one!


Well, that’s all you need to know about repairing an electrical box with G-clips. So, you can stop worrying about replacing again and again!

One last tip! Make sure you take enough safety precautions.

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